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Are you looking for ways where your valuable volunteer time can make a huge impact? The Novi Educational Foundation impacts every student in the Novi community, and needs the teamwork of volunteers to cover all the bases. Whether you have a few hours to spare or are looking to make an ongoing commitment to our mission, we welcome you.
Our impact is only as large as our roster. Are you game for helping to make the dream work?
Board Member Overview
Trustees are the leadership body of the NEF. Responsibilities include:
Three year term
Regular attendance at our monthly meeting
Service on one or more committees
Advocate and advance the foundation and its mission
Participate in strategic planning and decision making
Committee volunteers are community members who share their skills in focused areas. Our standing committees include:
Oversee the management of the investments of the NEF​
Beneficial skills: Financial background, understanding of investments
Meets quarterly and as needed to review investments and investment advisor recommendations
Plan events and fundraisers, provide outreach to sponsors and community partners, lead annual appeal​
Beneficial skills: Enthusiasm, planning and organization, networking, community engagement
Meets as needed to support events and fundraising
Responsible for annual selection of recipients of the Fuerst Scholarship and Janet Ban Scholarship
Beneficial skills: Compassion, commitment to confidentiality, decision making, interviewing ​
Meets multiple times between December and March
Solicit and evaluate classroom grant proposals​​
Beneficial skills: Decision making, prioritization, teamwork, coordination with district​
Meets multiple times in the fall and spring
Event Planning
Plan and host major events like Green Gala and Go for the Green Reverse Raffle
Solicit donations and auction items from community partners
Beneficial skills: Organization, event planning, community outreach, networking, creativity
Meets regularly between January and March
Create marketing materials for events and fundraising, manage social media accounts, design and website
Beneficial skills: Creativity, planning and organization, social media, website design and administration, writing and editing​​
Meets quarterly and as needed to support other committees
Not sure you're ready for a structured commitment? Our committees are often looking for volunteers to help on an ad-hoc basis. As opportunities come up, we'll reach out and let you know so you can choose when and how you'd like to participate.